A fuchsia friend in need.

My garden and climate are not the friendliest for fuchsias. Not enough moisture, to start with. And to make things worse, I had them in a pot where they got no morning sun at all, but hot sun in the afternoon. Exactly backwards, as I  just read in the Sunset Western Garden Book.

A month ago I replanted the hanging pot where they had been languishing, and I replaced them with begonias and lamium. The fuchsias I stuck in a temporary pot on the other side of the garden, thinking I might give them away – or something?

They revived and sprouted buds all over, so I brought them back to the table that I can see outside my kitchen window, and many times a day I look out at them and have watched the buds swell… until this morning when the first flowers opened. I really needed this extra bit of new life today!


12 thoughts on “A fuchsia friend in need.

  1. Not sure if my previous comment made it, but just wanted to say fuschias have always reminded me of ballerinas. They are beautiful. What a lovely grace to have them blooming for you unexpectedly!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The Begonia and Lamium sure did well, and the fuchsia obviously liked the temporary spot in the back corner just fine. It has such delicate pink flowers. I’m glad they made a bright spot in your day.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I hope you’re not being affected by the power outage. I have a number of opinions about the reasons for it, but I’ll keep those to myself — except to say that, even in the early 1970s, PG&E already was known as Pacific Graft & Extortion! I hadn’t thought of that for years, until I read the news. It seems to have been poorly planned: or not, depending on the full purpose. Stay safe!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Linda, I am just outside this current planned power outage, so I have power, but I’ve been affected in that my construction workers have no power and for that and various other related reasons my remodeling project is stalled again or still.

      I also have lots of thoughts about all the situation, and one is, PG&E is losing money in the deal, so I trust they’ll turn it back on as soon as possible. Please God, let us have a less windy October than usual!

      I appreciate your thinking of me!

      Liked by 1 person

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