sandpipers and elephants

Kate visited meGL 10 IMG_0788 from Washington DC for a few days – it was a joy. When your children are spread over thirteen years, they don’t all get the same upbringing or hear the same stories. We went to the beach and sat on a log for a long time talking and catching up.

Kate was married just over a year ago near where we went to the beach, in Bodega, at what we fondly called The Birds Church. The fish-n-chips place where we ate in the nearby town of Bodega Bay is called The Birds Cafe. Alfred Hitchcock’s imagination has left an GL 10 P1020084 birds cafeongoing legacy.

Down on the shore the birds were not scary. Kate took pictures of a gull who hung around our log for quite awhile until he figured out that we didn’t have food. The sandpipers were more naturally seeking for their more natural food. It was the balmiest day I can remember on our typically frigid beaches; even the breeze was warm.


GL 10 P1020097 sandpipers

Kate helped me draft a note to leave in neighbors’ mailboxes, asking “Do you have a plum tree?” You see, I fell in love with the Elephant Heart plums that are growing at Pearl’s new house in Davis; they are the best plums I have ever eaten. Though I hadn’t given plum trees a thought before June, I’ve now got it in my head and on the landscaping plans that I will plant one of these trees in my refurbished back yard. These pictures are of fruits that I brought back from my last visit to Pearl.

GL 10 P1020115 plums

They are not self-pollinating, so I either need two of them or I need to know that there is another tree in the neighborhood that can be a pollinator. Either another Elephant Heart plum or a Santa Rosa plum will do. I’d rather not have two plum trees, as my yard isn’t that big, and I am not that ravenous for plums. So I hoped to discover another suitable tree around here.GL 10 P1020119 plums EH

I first asked the neighbors whom I already know. The ones I didn’t know, on my street and the street behind me, I asked by means of my explanatory note, a paragraph with that grabber question at the top, which I dropped off yesterday afternoon. This afternoon two people who received the notes phoned to say that they do have Santa Rosa plums! My tree will be right in the middle of those two trees, as the bee flies.

And now I have two new friends, Rich and Dale. Dale has more than 20 fruit trees in his back yard! Rich planted his Santa Rosa plum as a pollinator for a Satsuma plum that he loved. Next summer we will get together and trade plums — yum.


6 thoughts on “sandpipers and elephants

  1. How cool that you made two new friends who love to grow fruit trees! Nice to get to know your neighbors. I remember seeing The Birds when I was pretty young. Maybe 8? It was at a drive-in and Mom and Dad kept making us cover our eyes, lol! They probably shouldn’t have taken us to that particular movie, but they got wiser as they grew up. 😉 Sounds like a nice visit with your daughter.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh, the plums look wonderful. So great to hear that 2 people have plum trees. We bought a 3 year old plum tree about 3-4 years ago and this year got a LOT. I’m not sure what kind it is, but the plums are very small. The tree came with a branch grafted on to it so the bees will pollinate and we don’t need 2. ♥ Also, the bird and floral table cloth is SO pretty. Is that Liberty of London fabric?


  3. We had an elephant heart plum tree when we first moved to our S. house. We were sad to see it go. Our most elderly neighbor told us that they used to be scattered around the neighborhood and ours was the last to go. I am glad you have plum pollinators near by and that you have met some green thumb neighbors!


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