Insects and Embroideries.

June Beetle

In the U.K. they are coming to the end of Insect Week, sponsored by the  Royal Entomological Society. (But in this post I am showing only my own photos of California insects.) I heard about Insect Week from Blogger Katie, whose butterfly embroideries I have admired for a while at ArtyMissK. Her photography is fantastic, too; by it she reveals here the glory of a “simple” black Dor beetle, and many other examples. Have a look at these “Little Things That Run the World”:

Little things that run the world! {Insect week 2024}

2 thoughts on “Insects and Embroideries.

  1. Thank you for the link 🙂 Since I have started photographing all sorts of things, I have been transported to a different world as far as insects are concerned. Many of them are really beautiful to look at more closely.

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