St. Nikolai on fasting.

Today is the date of the repose of St Nikolai Velimirovich, one of my favorite saints. As it’s also the first day of Great Lent for us Orthodox, I thought I would share a short quote from him about fasting. 

If a man only theorises about God, then he is helpless, utterly helpless, when confronted by an evil spirit. An evil spirit laughs at feeble worldly theorising. But as soon as a man begins to fast and to pray to God, the evil spirit becomes filled with inexpressible fear.

-St. Nikolai Velimirovic, Sermon on Mark 9: 29

St. Nikolai wrote a long prayer-poem about fasting which you can read here: Fasting: Prayers by the Lake XLI

“On March 18, 1956 Saint Nikolai fell asleep in the Lord Whom he had served throughout his life. He was found in his room kneeling in an attitude of prayer. Though he was buried at Saint Sava’s Monastery in Libertyville, IL, he had always expressed a desire to be buried in his homeland [Serbia]. In April of 1991 his relics were transferred to the Chetinje Monastery in Lelich. There he was buried next to his friend and disciple Father Justin Popovich (+ 1979).” OCA

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